

【本館】春季長期貸出について / Long-term borrowing in the spring vacation

公開日 2025年01月20日



 貸出日  1月22日(水)~3月21日(金)




  • 対象は本学学生と教職員です。学外の方は通常貸出となります。
  • 上記期間に借りた図書の返却期限日は4/11です。ただし卒業・修了予定の方は、3/31までに必ず返却してください。本学の大学院へ進学予定の方も同様です。
  • 長期貸出の延長はできません。
  • ブックコンパスなどの貸出期間が1週間の図書は、長期貸出の対象外です。

The Main Library in Matsue will provide long-term borrowing services in the spring vacation as follows.

 Period  from Wednesday, January 22 to Friday, March 21
 Return Date

 Friday, April 11

 However, it is Monday, March 31 for students planning to graduate.

  • This service is for students and faculty. For non-members of the university, it is a normal borrowing even during this period.
  • The deadline for returning books borrowed during this period is 4/11; provided, however, that it is 3/31 for students planning to graduate or finish the course in this school year. It is also 3/31 for students planning to go on to the graduate school of Shimane University.
  • Extended borrowing for this service is not possible.
  • Some books are not eligible: books such as exhibition books whose borrowing period is set to one week.
推奨ブラウザ: Microsoft Edge 25以上. Mozilla FireFox 45以上. Google Chrome 49以上. Safari 最新版.