

図書館システム更新に伴う一部サービスの停止について/Notice of Web Service Suspension due to Library System Upgrade

公開日 2025年01月31日





<影響のあるサービスと停止期間> ※いずれも更新作業の進捗状況により、再開日が遅れる可能性があります。


(1)MyOPACへのログインが必要な全てのサービス  <2月10日(月)~2月17日(月)>



 ・学生用図書購入リクエスト →今年度は1/31で締切(詳しくはこちら

 ・貸し出し中の図書の予約(他キャンパス図書館所蔵の図書の予約含む)  など


(2)自動貸出機での図書の貸出・延長 <2月13日(木)~16日(日)>




(3)窓口での利用証発行・更新 <2月13日(木)~16日(日)>







Due to the updating of the library system, we will suspend some of our services as follows.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding.


 <Services affected by the update and the duration of the outage> 

The resumption dates of all services may be delayed depending on the progress of the updating work.

(1) All services requiring MyOPAC login <February 10 (Mon.) - 17 (Mon.)〉

 ・ILL service (requests for photocopying and borrowing books from other universities)

 ・Book Purchase Request with Public Fund

 ・Book Purchase Request for Students → Closed on 1/31 this year

 ・Reservations for books  (including those held by other campus libraries), etc.


(2)Using the automatic book lending machine <February 13 (Thu.) - 16 (Sun.)〉

  You may request to borrow books at the counter.

  *The Medical library cannot lend books during closing hours (when the counter is closed).


(3)Issuance and renewal of user's card at the counter <February 13 (Thu.) - 16 (Sun.)〉

  During this period, we are not able to issue or renew your user's card.


(4)Delay in delivery of books purchased with public funds

  Delivery may be delayed for some books delivered after February that are treated as assets.



<お問い合わせ> Contacts

本館:情報サービスグループ  Main Library                

 0852-32-6086(内線2740)  sabisu[a]lib.shimane-u.ac.jp

医学図書館:医学情報グループ Medical Library

 0853-20-2094(内線2094)  m-library[a]lib.shimane-u.ac.jp

(メールは[a]を@に変えてください) Please change [a] to @ when sending email.


推奨ブラウザ: Microsoft Edge 25以上. Mozilla FireFox 45以上. Google Chrome 49以上. Safari 最新版.