公開日 2024年12月10日
(English follows Japanese)
半田 真
1. ILLサービスの停止期間
令和6年12月26日(木)17時 ~ 令和7年1月6日(月)9時
※ 停止期間中、MyOPAC(マイオパック)からのILL申込みは可能ですが、対応は1月6日(月)9時以降となります。
2. 科研費での申込み期限(教職員の方)
※ ただし、年度繰越が可能な助成金(学術研究助成基金助成金)で、プロジェクト期間の
種別 | 文献複写等料金の確定する日 | 引き去りが行われる時期 |
文献複写 | 文献が島根大学に到着した日 | 左の翌月初旬 |
現物貸借 | 返送した図書が所蔵館に到着した日 | 左の翌月初旬 |
【松江キャンパス】附属図書館本館 学術情報担当
TEL:0852-32-6087(内線2750) MAIL:ill☆lib.shimane-u.ac.jp(☆→@)
【出雲キャンパス】附属図書館医学図書館 サービス担当
TEL:0853-20-2094(内線2094) MAIL:m-library☆lib.shimane-u.ac.jp(☆→@)
Dear Faculty Members, Staff and Students,
The Director of Shimane University Library
Makoto HANDA
ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Service Suspension
During the Year-end and New Year Holidays, and
Deadline for Applications Using a Kakenhi (Notification)
Shimane University Library will suspend Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Request Services
due to the year-end and New Year holidays during the following period.
The application deadline date for Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Request using a Kakenhi is as follows.
1. Suspension period for ILL Service
December 26 (Thu.), 2024 5 P.M. ~ January 6 (Mon.), 2025 9 A.M.
*Making an application for Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Request on MyOPAC is available in the period,
but the application will be processed after January 6 at 9 a.m.
In late December, many libraries also suspend Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Service.
Even if we find a library which holds a book or a journal you requested, the library may have closed the service.
We recommend that you apply as soon as possible, regardless of the suspension period.
2. (For Faculty Members and Staff) The application deadline for a Kakenhi
The application deadline date for Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Request using a Kakenhi is December 31 (Tue.), 2024.
*However, if the Kakenhi remains sufficient and can be carried over to the next accounting year,
and the project will be finished after April 2025, the application is acceptable after January.
【The Balance of a Budget】
The fee of Interlibrary Loan / Photocopy Request will be processed on buppin tou seikyu purchase request web system
after a certain period from an application date. The timing of processing is as follows.
Please confirm the balance of your budget before your application.
Type | The Date When the Fee Is Fixed | The Time When the Fee Is Processed |
Photocopy | The date when a photocopy arrived at Shimane University. | In the beginning of the next month of the left date. |
Loan of a Book | The date when a book arrived at the library which holds it after it was returned. | In the beginning of the next month of the left date. |
《Contact Information》
【Matsue Campus】Main Library Service Group
TEL:0852-32-6087(Ext.2750) MAIL:ill☆lib.shimane-u.ac.jp(☆→@)
【Izumo Campus】Medical Library Group
TEL:0853-20-2094(Ext.2094) MAIL:m-library☆lib.shimane-u.ac.jp(☆→@)