Main Library(Matsue)
Service Hours
To enter the Library
Check out/Return
Reference Service
Use Other Libraries
Medical Library(Izumo)
Service Hours
To enter the Library
Check out/Return
Reference Service
Use Other Libraries

Service Hours(Matsue)
Opening Hours
Semesters Mon.-Fri. 8:30-21:30
National Holidays
Vacation Mon.-Fri. 9:00-17:00
National Holidays
Closed Days
Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays during vacations
Regular Maintenance Day (The 4th Wednesday in Aug. and Feb.)
Summer holidays (Aug. 13-15)
Beginning and end of year (Dec. 28-Jan. 3)
Special Collection Inventory
*The library will be closed due to special circumstances.
  *We inform you of the latest schedule on the library HP or by notices.
>>Calendar(Main library, Matsue)
Other Service Hours
Microfilm/Microfiche Room
(Available for Shimane University Members and Library Card Holders.)
Stacks 4th- 8th floor
(Only for Shimane University Members.)
*Stacks 1st-3rd floor are freely accessible while the library opens.
Mon.-Fri. 8:30-17:00
National Holidays

Service Hours(Izumo)
Opening Hours
Semesters Mon.-Fri. 9:00-20:00
National Holidays
Vacation Mon.-Fri. 9:00-17:00
National Holidays
Closed Days
Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays during vacations
Summer holidays (Aug. 13-15)
Beginning and end of year (Dec. 28-Jan. 4)
Special Collection Inventory
*The library will be closed due to special circumstances.
  *We inform you of the latest schedule on the library HP or by notices.
>>Calendar(Medical Library, Izumo)
Special Usage Out of Service Hours(Only for Shimane University Members)
Izumo Campus Members and other Shimane University Members who is permitted by a Director of the Medical Library can use the Medical Library for 24 hours.
Please enter to the library with your Shimane University ID Card.

Available Areas
2F/Reading Room
1F/Stack, Video Room

*Do not bring out materials without check out procedure.
*No Smoking, No Drinking and Eating.
*Do not monopolize a seat, please take your baggage when you leave the library.
*An action to occur an accident, especially fire, is strictly prohibited.

Enter to the library(Matsue)
You need Shimane University ID Card or the Library Card to enter the library.
Faculty/Student/Academic Staff
Please insert your ID Card on the IC card reader of the gate.
Other Library Card Holder
Please swipe your Library Card through the card reader of the gate.

When you do not have Shimane University ID or Library Card, pass by the gate and take a procedure to enter the library.

Enter to the library(Izumo)
You need Shimane University ID Card or the Library Card to enter the library.
Faculty/Student/Academic Staff
Please insert your ID Card on the IC card reader of the gate.
You cannot use hospital card.
Library Card Holder
Please slide your Library Card through the card reader of the gate.

When you do not have Shimane University ID or Library Card, during opening time, call staff at the circulation desk.

Check out/Return(Matsue)
Check out books
Please bring books to Checkout Devices (at the Service Desk).
Each borrower must present his/her own ID card to check out materials or extend the loan period.
Magazines, journals and reference books (e.g.dictionaries) are not for loan. In-library use only.

Checkout Devices

How do I use the Checkout Device? 1.Please stand in front of the Device. The display will change.
2.Please touch "Lend" or "Extend".
 You can extend the loan period once, only before the limit.
3.Please touch your ID Card on a card reader, or insert your library card into the card reader.

4.Please let the device read a bar code of the book you want to borrow.

After reading correctly, the device makes sounds like "cllick-clack". Please touch "Finish" as you finished all books; receipt will be issued. If the process is imcomplete, the gate buzzer would react.

Please take your ID/Library Card and the receipt.
The limit of loan books number and length of time.
General loan Undergraduate 10books 14days
Graduate, Faculty and Academic staff 15books
Student of The University of Shimane, the National Institute of Technology or The Open University of Japan
Citizen Passport Member
Public visitor 3books
Special loan 4th grade student, Graduate 3books 30days
(Only for books in stacks)
20books 90days
*Special loan is applied to study or graduation thesis. A qualifier is able to borrow as above, in addition to general loan.
Return books
During the service hours, Please return books to the Return Corner (at the Service Desk). When the library is closed, drop books into a post next to the library entrance. In this case, the books will be transacted on a next business day. Please make sure to return them on time.
You do not need to show your Shimane University ID card or Library card.
If you past the due, would be prohibited to borrow books during the same term as exceeded days.
Renew the loan period
Library materials can be renewed once as long as they have not been requested by another person. You can renew the loan period at the Circulation devices, at the Service desk and on MyOPAC. (You need to log in from the top page to use this service.) Overdue materials can not be renewed.

Check out/Return(Izumo)
Check out books
Please bring books to Checkout Devices (at the Service Desk).
Each borrower must present his/her own ID card to check out materials or extend the loan period.


The following materials are in-library use only.
1. Reference books (e.g. dictionaries and year books)
2. Books in "tutorial corner".
3. Books in "nursing practice corner".
4. Other materials which is pasted with "in-library use only"(禁帯出) sticker. in-library use only

How do I use the Checkout Device? 1.Please stand in front of the Device. The display will change.
2.Please touch "Lend" or "Extend".
 You can extend the loan period once, only before the limit.
3.Please touch your ID Card on a card reader, or insert your library card into the card reader.

4.Please let the device read a bar code of the book you want to borrow.

After reading correctly, the device makes sounds like "cllick-clack". Please touch "Finish" as you finished all books; receipt will be issued. If the process is imcomplete, the gate buzzer would react.

Please take your ID/Library Card and the receipt.

Journals without "BOOK ID"(Bar Cord sticker), you need to fill out "Unbound Journals Lending Application". In service hours, please hand in the application to a Service Desk staff. Out of service hours, please drop the application into a "Opinion Box".
It will be dealt with on the next business day.
the Opinion Box
The limit of loan books number and length of time.
  Loan period(Books) Loan period(Journals) Item Number
Faculty, Student and Staff 7days 2days 10 items in total
Public Visitor 7days - 5 items

When you borrow journals...
Journals, which is pasted with "BOOK ID"(Bar Cord sticker) , should be processed with a Checkout Device.
Return books
During the service hours, Please return books to the Service Desk. When the library is closed, drop books into a post next to the library entrance. In this case, the books will be transacted on a next business day. Please make sure to return them on time.
You do not need to show your Shimane University ID card or Library card.
If you past the due, would be prohibited to borrow books during the same term as exceeded days.
Renew the loan period
Library materials can be renewed once as long as they have not been requested by another person. You can renew the loan period at the Circulation devices, at the Service desk and on MyOPAC. (You need to log in from the top page to use this service.) Overdue materials can not be renewed.

When the book you need is borrowed by another person, you can make a reservation.
Click a book title and open the detail page.There are each information. Location, Call No, Bar cord No and so on, please see “Reserve”, right side of the page.
And click the icon.
You need to log in MyOPAC.

"Please select Receipt Counter."
The initial setting of receipt counter is "本館"(the Main Library) for Matsue Campus members, and is "医学図書館"(the Medical Library) for Izumo Campus members. Please choose the counter which is convenient for you.

"Please appoint an Address."
You can choose the way of notification when the book returned.
E-mail, 電話(Telephone Call) or 通知なし(No notification)
If the box next to "E-mail" is blank, you need to register your current e-mail address on MyOPAC.
When you want to read books another campus holds, please take the same procedure of reservation to send away for that.
 →See also Use Other Libraries

Photocopy materials
The library equipped with self-service copiers (coin, copy card and e-money) for academic purpose.
Please fill out "the Copy Request Form" and hand in the Form to the Service Desk staff or put in a collection box by the copier.

1F/near the magazine and newspaper corner.
 Monochrome Only -*Emoney(Shimane University ID Card)
 Monochrome Only -Coin
 Color/Monochrome -*Pre-paid Card
2F/near the stack
 Monochrome Only -*Pre-paid Card
*Emoney can be charged at Seikyou Shop in University, where Pre-paid Card is also sold.
Please follow the rules below.
         1. To fill out the Copy Request Form.
         2. Library materials only.
         3. Small part of a document only.
         4. One copy per page.
         5. To abide by the copyright law.
Photocopy charge
Photocopy(Monochrome) 10yen
*Pre-paid card only
A3   50yen
     B4,A4 40yen

Photocopy materials
The library equipped with self-service copiers (Cash, Copy Card and E-money) for academic purpose.
Please fill out "the Copy Request Form" and hand in the Form to the Service Desk staff or put in a collection box by the copier.

2F/behind of a Checkout Device, near by the exit gate.(Cash or E-money Only)
2F/near by Multimedia Corner.(Copy Card for public expense)
1F/entrance of stack.(Copy Card for public expense)
*Emoney can be charged on your Shimane University ID Card at Seikyou Shop in University.
*Copy Card(for public expense) is only for faculty, please make an application at the Service Desk.
Please follow the rules below.
         1. To fill out the Copy Request Form.
         2. Library materials only.
         3. Small part of a document only.
         4. One copy per page.
         5. To abide by the copyright law.
Photocopy charge
  Copy Card
(public expense)
Cash and E-money
(private expense)
Photocopy(Monochrome) 5yen 10yen
Photocopy(Color) 12yen A3,B4   50yen
A4,B5  40yen

Reference Service
If you have a question or a trouble, please tell a library staff.

For example...
  How can I find a material?
  I want to know bibliographic information of a book.
  Does the library hold a book? If it does not, how can I get that?
  Would you lecture me how to use reference books?
  Would you lecture me how to use PCs for information retrieval?

Use other libraries(Only for Shimane University Members)
Use the Medical Library(Izumo Campus), for Matsue Campus Members
■Enter the Medical Library
You need your Shimane University ID Card to enter the library.Please insert your card on the card reader of the gate.
Please check the calendar to confirm whether the library opens or not.

■Check out/Return
Check out and return at the Medical Library
You can borrow books and journals with a checkout device same as the Main Library in Matsue.
And return books at the Service Desk in business hours. Please drop into a book post in front of the entrance on 2nd floor, when the library is closed. It is also acceptable to return books at the Main Library in Matsue Campus.
Send away for books from the Medical Library
Please take a reservation procedure on MyOPAC. You will receive a notification basically by e-mail when the book arrives at the Service Desk.
  Loan period
Loan period
(Journals) *visitor only
Item Number
Faculty, Student, Staff 7days 2days 10 items in total
Use the Main Library(Matsue Campus), for Izumo Campus Members
■Enter the Main Library
See this procedure

■Check out/ Return
In the Main Library, people can check out only books.(Journals and Videos/DVDs are in-library use only.)
How do I check out books?
→See this procedure. Please return books at the return corner of the service desk.You can also return books which you borrowed at the main library, at a service desk in the Medical Library.
Send away for books from the Main Library
Please take a reservation procedure on MyOPAC. You will receive a notification basically by e-mail when the book arrives at the Service Desk.
  Loan period(Books) Item Number
Undergraduate Student 2 weeks 10 books
Graduate Student, Faculty, Staff 15 books

■Information Retrieval
You need the ID (Your Student ID Number) and Password, General Information Processing Center issued, to use a PC in the library.
The Main Library equips PCs in a PC room, equips socket and cable LAN point for a private PC.
ILL(Inter Library Loan) Service, ordering from libraries in Shimane prefecture
Shimane University Members can send away for books Public Libraries, University Library or National Institute of Technology Libraries in Shimane prefecture hold. Free of Charge.

At first, please confirm whether the libraries hold the book you need or not.
Libraries in Shimane Prefecture Crossing Search System(The database is only available in Japanese language.)
A library holds it...
Please complete an application(PDF/Printed one is furnished at the Service Desk) and hand it in a library staff.
ILL(Inter Library Loan) Service, ordering from other universities
How to get unavailable materials in Shimane University Library?
→You need to make an application on MyOPAC.
 Please register your e-mail address on MyOPAC to get a notice by e-mail, when a book you ordered arrived at the library.
 You can send away for copies of an article or a book.

Cost and Precaution
Copies of an article
Cost=(A unit cost per page (almost 30-60yen)) times (Total page number) plus (Postage(one way))
Mail days=4 days-1 week
*Yen is only available to pay, and please have exact charge.

A Book
Mail days=about 4 days to 1 week
*Newly arrived books, too old books,reference books, and journals are unavailable to order.
*Yen is only available to pay, and please have exact charge.

1. Log in MyOPAC.
2. Please choose "interlibrary loan/photocopy request" on MyOPAC menu (the left upper side of the page ).
3. Read the rules, and check "I accept the agreement".
4. You need to put each information of the articles or the book, and click "Send".
5. Confirm the information you typed, and click "OK". Then the procedure is done.
Visit other university library
When you want to visit other university library, Shimane University Library issue a letter of introduction. Please make an application at the service desk.
*It is available to use the national university library in the Chugoku region (Shimane Pref. Tottori Pref. Hiroshima Pref. Okayama Pref. Yamaguchi Pref.), just show your Student ID Card.


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