How Can I Donate a Book I Authored?


Your donation of a book you authored makes our collection richer and fertilize students' research. We appreciate such donation and introduce it on our web page.
In Main Library, such books are displayed at the Teacher's Production Corner. The books will be displayed for a certain period of time in the Faculty Writings Corner, a collection of books by faculty members.


How Can I Give the Book to the Library?

There are two ways.

1. Giving to a staff at the Service Desk .

2. Sending by the Campus Postal Service in Shimane University.

We need the name of the donator for asset management. So please notify your name to the library.


Is Necessary Only a Single-Author Writing?

No, we would like to collect many books our university's teacher and staff engaged.

We appreciate donation of not only a single-author writing, but also a collective writing, a small part writing, an edited work and a translation.



Update Date  20210315

Planning and Management Group

Medical Library Group

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